Monday, April 21, 2008

ummmm well here goes nothing......

Hey there, Abin Biswas here. Wow, my own blog; sweet. Never actually thought id be able to do stuff like this.....
Well first of all i dont think ill be very very regular with this blog, especially for the coming 2 months bcoz of my darned entrance examinations (i really dont understand why these exams were set up in the first place). About the title; well all you sci-fi buffs mustve read this in DOUGLAS ADAMS' Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy Trilogy Of Five (the guy was a senius) and somehow I feel that this statement has more depth to it than just the comical aspect. You see I personally believe in the statement coz its the easiest way to explain all the bullshit that takes place in our wonderful, but crappy lives. Sorry if it bothers any of you happy people out there......
My user name, well I really liked the antics of king agamemnon, especially during the trojan war(ive not read the ILLIAD, mind you; just wikied the name and read all about him) so i took it up.
Oh ya i actually got inspired to start my blog from a suggestion given by my fried Rahul Bhatnagar, who also has his own blog:- Carbon Cluster. Check it out, its really good.
Anyways im pretty bummed these days coz i screwed my vit paper, hmmm more like the paper screwed me.....
I dont know there are so many things i want to share, so many people i want to talk about, so many issues id like to discuss with people, but somehow im not getting the output i want.(word of advice:do not type philosophical and social questions on yahoo answers but dont shy away from asking stupid auestions about banana juise and crap like that)
I dont really like to talk about myself a lot but if you really wanna know, im one of those kids who still believes that theres still some sanity and goodness left in the world.I love to write but my articles are usually funny and are about day to day activities and experiences. 'nuff said.
Man my dog is driving me crazy right now coz he really wants to go and play outside. Hes a black labrador who answers to the name "DON". Ill tell you later why his name is a reminder of a bad bollywood flick whose remake was even worse, or why it seems that my canine pup is a part of the mafia........
Anyways hope you guys liked my first post which was apparently quite shitty and full of nonsense. Sorry for eating away 5 mins of your precious life.........

Over and out
@g@memnon a.k.a. Abin Biswas


Rahul Bhatnagar said...

I create a believer!! Not bad, told you that blogging isin't only for lame drug addicts who need sympathy after coming out of rehab. Oh and Nice Blog.

Anandit _ Andy said...

Check my blog:
Although there aint nuthin worth lookin' on dis.

Anandit _ Andy said...

Ok then, we will post that article we wrote. One more thing, cud ya inform Sanya bout my blog, its been a long tym no see wid her...........plz do.