Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heaven is a place on earth!!!

Main Entry: heav·en

a : the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead

b: a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God

Thats what heaven means according to the websters online dictionary.

Funny thing is that the more people I meet the more meanings i get for the word. Its funny how heaven differs for each individual. Some talk about it in metaphysical terms, some believe that its earthly; heck i even have a friend who finds his evening nap as heaven. To clear out all ambiguities heaven is most definitely the place where you are the most comfortable, where you are at peace with yourself and its where supposedly all your wishes come true.

(I guess i ruined it with the last part of that sentence)

What i am actually trying to say is that i believe that you dont necessarily need to turn up to the sky to look for heaven, neither do you have to die to reach that holy place. I believe that if we just look around and start enjoying life and everything in it; the task wont be so difficult. It can be your room, the toilet(hey everyone feels relaed in the loo; dont laugh!!!!!), a long drive in your car or whatever. It really irritates me how our so called spiritual gurus, pundits etc. etc. think that heaven is the resting place of all those ppl who have never sinned in their lives. Till date i have not met anyone who has not done anything wrong in his/ her life. Like they say to err is human.

I know you'll find my idea of heaven hillarious and too simple, but what the heck........

Heaven for me, believe it or not is spending the entire morning sitting on my porch with my dog by my side, reading a book; while its raining. And these last couple of days its been raining day in and day out; so technically im experiencing heaven every single day...........Did you know that rain is the only season which has been used in every language and culture to describe both something happy and sad at the same time.

I guess if we really simplify our ideas and beliefs life wont seem as BITCHY as i hear from most of my friends. Maybe, and i stress again maybe mankind will make earth as good as heaven; maybe we'll get over all the fighting; maybe we'll stop blaming ourselves and others; maybe all the hatred, cruelty and anger will just vanish........maybe...........


aka ABIN

P.s. i started writing this post about a week before so its a lil outdated as far as the description of rainy days go.


Anandit _ Andy said...

Oh Boy! I wish i had a cute cuddly dog. Anyways, u cudve added a pic of don on this. If u dun mind may i add it??????????

Anyways nice article man, Keep it up.
Luv n' Peace

Netika Lumb said...

Lovely post... well thought off and well wriiten..