Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearst 'cause I never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Abusin' every one of them and running wild.....
Ya you guessed it, im back and before im sued with plagarism charges let me clarify that the above lyrics are by the band AC/DC from their legendary alum;-"Back in Black". Im using the lyrics coz it sums up the past few months of my life in a nice 10 line paragraph. "Change is necessary" ya and there have been a couple of them in my life as well which id like to share on this piece of crap website which has not bee updated for centuries(since june to be precise!!).......Anyways first thing first, im in college!!!!!!!! well not exactly college, coz my college is more like school....SERIOUSLY!!!! Im studying in SRM University, Chennai(ok ppl in the north might not have heard about it; or maybe they have!!!!). And over there life is pretty darn regimented.....i envy you guys at DU or any other "liberal" college....YOU hAVE NOOOOO IDEA about how the freedom to do whatever you want is curbed in the south......Not that i dont have any freedom, but considering my college boasts about having....ahem "International Standards"...we dont really get our share of the bargain. And seriously, from what ive heard SRM is one of the more liberal colleges in the south.....WOW. Anyways every college has its own share of problems i guess......YOU GOTTA LIVE WITH IT.....RIGHT.No point being a CRY-BABY. THeres obviously the good parts of our college.....like the SPRAWLING campus, and the AWESOME infratructure(at least as far as my dept. BIOTECH. is concerned), the food courts, some of the teachers and the EXTRAORDINARY feeling of living in a 10 floor hostel, 1760 km from home; with a complete bunch of strangers.....heck everybody should go to hostel AT LEAST ONCE!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways enough about college........about me now.
Well for those of you who have seen me physically, i guess ive become LEANER AND MEANER.....dont know about the last part but definitely LEANER.....will you believe i had to make two extra holes in a belt ive been using for a year and an additional third one.......which happened recently and involved a hillarious involvement of a pair of scissors,a nice italian leather belt, my CRAZY roomie and someone who just dropped two inches of baby fat....ME!!!!!! My fantastic little immature goatee has been transformed into an overgrown hedge of dirty facial hair(there goes my chance to impress the ladies....DAMN!!!!). Anyways considerin a friend of my mine stayed food less for 13 days.....im AS STRONG AS SUPERMAN......No foods a real pain in the butt over there....coz well the mess food SUCKS.........imagine being fed to delhis famous "10 rs. ki chhole bature" and then imagine a cheap copy of that with an overdose of spice and an underdose of spice......BLECH. And that my friends is the nice sunday breakfast we get.....On other days im not able to figure out whether im having a carrot or capsicum....SERIOUSLY!!!! No offensew to the SRM Hostel ppl. but we definitely are not getting what we paid for and ya we paid QUITE a bit.........ANyways "F" it. Ive apparently become more mature and funnier according to my parents.......WONDER how both of these happen simultaneously!!!!!!! My music interests have also changed quite a bit.......ive metamorphised from the punk who was a gren day and good charlotte freak....to the guy whose Ipod contains everything from GROOVE mETAL to alternative, GRUNGE to HARD rock, PUNK to CLASSIc.....gotta thank my friend tushar for that.......i mean i never thought that id become an AC/DC or a MUDVAYNE fan. Anyways......its nice and i missed out quite a bit of old songs which im experiencing now.................
OH the most important thing.....I finally got a nice little group of friends.............and trust me in a place where youre surrounded by addicts of all shapes, sizes and kinds it helps to have a nice bunch of guys and gals to talk or hang out with!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot dudes and dudettes....id not like to name em now coz i plan to put out an entire post about these COOOOL ppl.........I mean we are not a syndicate or something but we can definitely kick someintellectual ASS!!!!!!!
Anyways more in my next post whichll make you fall off your nice little computer office chairs, for sure....ive even thought of the title:-"The Cassanova Incident" and i bet andy and a few ppl know what its all about.................
Thanks to all those ppl who have read my blog.................
"For every beginning there is an end, and for every end there is a NEW beginning....."
-the weird old "ORACLE" lady in the matrix
au revoir free ppl. of the internet
dont kow if I am right, but from what I cud gauge, you are perhaps nearing the end of ur college life(correct me if I am wrong), anyway you made me run away from the fact that I soon have to,and certainly made me ponder over the question:
why does every college goer think ours is a school? and why do hosteliers always complain about good(read paletable )food.
hey....well i just got into college....and ummm i guess every college goer thinks that theyre in school coz everyone feels that what theyre goin through is something none of their friends are goin thru.....you know its like sayin that all of my friends are havin a great time....while im stuck up in this hellhole!!!! What ppl dont realise is that every single collegegoer is experiencing varies from individual to individual....some have a problem with friends, some with the environment in college....etc. etc. I just tried to explain my current situation.....which is not that bad actually!!!! i have friends who have to face even worse......ANYWAYS!! Oh about the food,considering the fact that the dal we get in our mess has a diff. colour in a bowl and another weirder shade on rice; and that the soya we get has needles inside......I CAN SAY THAT OUR mess, pretty much is a MESS!!!!Disorganised and unfriendly........Still u gotta live with wat u got....eh!!!!
AND I WAS SUPPPOSED TO SAY THIS IN THE BEGGINING OF THIS COMMENT BUT what the hell; THANKS for the comment Neetika......hope u liked my post
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