Monday, December 22, 2008
The Casanova Incident.....
So famous a womanizer was he that his name remains synonymous with the art of seduction and he is sometimes called "the world's greatest lover".
Ya well thats from Wikipedia......and before you get any misconception....let me clarify a couple of things.......
I, Abin Biswas; am not a WOMANISER!!!!! i mean come on im mirror cracking a walking talking threat to a Saint Gobain glass showroom....LITERALLY. Neither do i have an attitude which is generally common amongst the "kind" of ppl. whom we sooo lovingly mark as WOMANISERS or CASANOVAS(good going giacamo!!!!!you intellectual, adventuruos brat......). Seriously ask anyone who knows me and theyll probably use adjectives as funny, intelligent, weird, name a few and not SEDUCTOR, WOMANISER or even CHICK MAGNET!!!!!
Ok sorry for scaring you with that para......its a long story actually. And whenever i think of it i get PISSED off. Like i said in my previous post, im studying in SRM University Chennai. Its not a bad place but we got certain conventional beliefs running around which are actually quite irritating!!!!!!! And poor innocent me(no pun intended!!!!) actually became a VICTIM of the whacky vibes there. It so happens that I like to talk to ppl......of any sex, caste, creed and trust me ppl enjoy having convertsations with me too!!!!! I mean i cant help it if im a friendly guy and not a big snob or a bully(which is actually the first impression ppl get of me, wherever i go!!). So there i was after the first week of college chatting with some of my female classmates.....when suddenly i look arond and i notice all the other guys of my class showing me a big THUMBS UP!!! I kinda got confused and talked to these blokes after class.....well the first thing they told me was:-"Wah bhai, delhi vale bade tez hote hain....itni jaldi ladki bhi pata li. thodi humai bhi madat karde laundiyabazi karne mein!!". It took me a couple of seconds to understand what he was saying after which i was DUMBSTRUCK. It was as if i had been struck by a freakin bolt of lightning.....I was being called a laundiyabaaz, a WOMANISER......Never through my 11 years in a boys school, and 2 years in a co-ed had such an insult(well ya i guess womanisers are assholes!!!!) been hurled at me. All i could think was "oh man, oh man...I hope the chick i was talking too didnt think the same way".....and I was soo scared coz the word spreads fast over there...............VERY VERY FAST!!!!!! And well it thing i know my roomie comes into the a very bad time(i was tryin to make heads and tails of the civil engg. course) and he tells me....DUDE youve been hooked up with two chicks....AND I JUST FELL OFF MY BED!!!! Literally....................
So the next day one of the girls im supposedly hooked up too asked me whether i was hooked up to another person C, whom i apparently eye around a lot in class!!!!!!!!! Gosh 24 hours and i just went from mr. nice guy too FEMALE FLYTRAP...... I clarified that i wasnt interested in anyone....and i told her about the rumor according to which both of us wewe hooked up...AND ALL SHE DID WAS SMILE......ummm im still pretty confused about what that meant...........
What im trying to say is that in my college it so happens that once youre seen talking to or hanging out with any member of the opposite sex...its taken for granted that you two are going out....EVEN if youre talking to your cousin or BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
GOSH that just makes me sick...........................
A couple of days later i was sitting in my class doing mathematics when suddenly every guy around me started singing the lines from "mera pehla pehla pyar"....i looked around and i saw a girl i know come in, and talk to the maths all i could do at that moment was just stare out the window(which is just next to my seat..mind you) while the entire class....guys and girls both chuckled to their hearts glory and looked at me.......
Im the kinda guy who hates violence and like a lamb sitting at the butchers table i kept mum and didnt pay any attention to all the crappy rumors about me and my "CASANOVAISH" personality...............
The fact of the matter is that ppl are so VELA that they dont know how to mind their own buisness and just try to make a fool of themselves by interfering in everyone elses private matters......and creating unecessary FAKE rumors. I mean come on would any sane, intelligent person give a shit about whom im talkin or hangin out with. I might be dating a stupidplant for crying out loud....DOES IT MATTER!!!!! I guess my fellow "SRMites" really need to grow up.....I really wonder whether ppl over there realise the seriousness of a relationship or does everyone have an "OK LETS HOOK THESE 2 PPL UP, JUST FOR GAGS!!!!"
Oh for the record as of December 2008, Abin "Casanova" Biswas has been linked up with 5 girls, and 2 guys. Well there you have it im a phenomenon according to these ppl. And if you havent noticed they even questioned my sexuality.....calling me "BI"..............LOSERS!!!!
Anyways at the end of the day its actually quite hillarious and since its been happening for the last 4 months ive kinda gotten used to ppl giving me the stares...and talking behind my back.............WOW and i thought i was weird!!!!!!!!
This has been a presentation of:-
@g@memnon CORP. subsidiary of @g@memnon inc. branch of @g@memnon and sons......
P.s. I AM NOT A WOMANISER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
You need to see this video ppl. If youre sick and tired of all the terrorism around you and all the gun weilding cowards who call themselves "terrorists" kill innocent people, you NEED TO STAND UP. If you think that SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS GOING TO MAKE A must realise that the SOMEONE youre thinkin about is YOU AND YOU ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch this video:-
For more info log on to
Watch the last couple of seconds carefully!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Summertime Rocks!!!!!
i was watchin MTV when i suddenly stumbled upon this song by the band Smoke and to tell you the truth its pretty awesome. Ive been completely hooked to it. Who says Indian and western music fusion sucks!!!!! The guys from Smoke have done a pretty neat job with this song and Kailash Kher's is at its folky best. The video is pretty nice too with the animation and stuff, more importantly i feel smoke's trying to convey a bigger msg through the song and its video rather than the simple fact that SUMMERTIME ROCKS!!!!
Check it out yourself:-
Over And Out
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Heaven is a place on earth!!!
a : the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead
b: a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God
Thats what heaven means according to the websters online dictionary.
Funny thing is that the more people I meet the more meanings i get for the word. Its funny how heaven differs for each individual. Some talk about it in metaphysical terms, some believe that its earthly; heck i even have a friend who finds his evening nap as heaven. To clear out all ambiguities heaven is most definitely the place where you are the most comfortable, where you are at peace with yourself and its where supposedly all your wishes come true.
(I guess i ruined it with the last part of that sentence)
What i am actually trying to say is that i believe that you dont necessarily need to turn up to the sky to look for heaven, neither do you have to die to reach that holy place. I believe that if we just look around and start enjoying life and everything in it; the task wont be so difficult. It can be your room, the toilet(hey everyone feels relaed in the loo; dont laugh!!!!!), a long drive in your car or whatever. It really irritates me how our so called spiritual gurus, pundits etc. etc. think that heaven is the resting place of all those ppl who have never sinned in their lives. Till date i have not met anyone who has not done anything wrong in his/ her life. Like they say to err is human.
I know you'll find my idea of heaven hillarious and too simple, but what the heck........
Heaven for me, believe it or not is spending the entire morning sitting on my porch with my dog by my side, reading a book; while its raining. And these last couple of days its been raining day in and day out; so technically im experiencing heaven every single day...........Did you know that rain is the only season which has been used in every language and culture to describe both something happy and sad at the same time.
I guess if we really simplify our ideas and beliefs life wont seem as BITCHY as i hear from most of my friends. Maybe, and i stress again maybe mankind will make earth as good as heaven; maybe we'll get over all the fighting; maybe we'll stop blaming ourselves and others; maybe all the hatred, cruelty and anger will just vanish........maybe...........
aka ABIN
P.s. i started writing this post about a week before so its a lil outdated as far as the description of rainy days go.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
"We The People"; A show more about the celebrities and less about the people!!!!
(well hello to all the people who've at least seen my tiny blog!!!!)
Nothing new going on except the fact that the vit ppl are playing around with my VIT result.......
Forget that, i got something interesting to share. This weekend i was invited by NDTV(no doubtedly the third best news channel ever; first position goes to BBC and second to Times Now)
for their weekend talk show "We The People" along with my mum and my aunt. Oh i got the invitation coz one of my friends is doing an internship with the NDTV guys . Anyways my mum and i were excited like anything coz we've been like loyal followers of the show and we had the idea that this was one of those shows where you could actually speak out..........and the fact that we would be sharing our views with Barkha Dutt (an amazing journalist and anchor who is also very very fake;read on to know why) was thrilling.
Anyways the telephone correspondents asked us a couple of questions on our views about the woman's reservation bill (thats what the show was about:-"Should there be more women in parliament?") to know whether we were ahem...."intellectually capable" for discussion.
On sunday may 11 we dressed up in our best clothes and got ready to go to some weird Archana complex in GK-1 which is also a studio for the NDTV ppl. Man were we pumped to discuss the topic and there was a verbal catfight btw my mum and my dad coz they had different opinions about male dominance, Darwins law of Natural selection(weird this came in though) and the responsibility of women and men in the world!!!!!!
The shooting was supposed to start at around 4:30 but they got all the audience seated by 5:00 , then we had to wait for the guests to arrive, their microphones to be adjusted, lightings to be made perfect, seating arrangements to be changed, cameras to be ready, the anchors makeup....THE WORKS. It was like we were these nursery children who had come to the zoo and had to watch the animals(read:celebrities) from very far and had to wait for an eternity.
The panel consisted of Lord Meghnath Desai(he needs a hair stylist badly!!), Jug Suraiya(total respect to this dude), some Farzan lady(chief editor of; wazzat???), Najma Heptullah(spelling's wrong i guess but she is one of the nicest ladies i have ever met),Dolly Thakur(oh man is she confident) and some other ppl whose names i dont remember but who belonged to the well "S.A.I.B.C.C. or SOCIALLY AWARE INTELLECTUALLY BRILLIANT CELEBRITY CLUB". Oh ya last but definitely not the least there was Shabana Azmi(social activist, politician, actor and ya probably the head of S.A.I.B.C.C.). You know what when she came in she did a Deepika Padukone style wave to the crowd like in the movie OSO(I didnt see the movie it was in the song "Aankhon mein teri....."), you know the one when the whole world gets into slow motion mode and then the celebrities gentle hand goes up and it waves to the masses, the fans; and its replied with ooohs and aahs and applause.WHAT RUBBISH!!!!I never liked her and trust me my opinion of her went even lower after the show. When she arrived there were like these crazy ladies who took out their handkerchief for an autograph(can you believe it a handkerchief, YUCK!!!!). Crap! i forgot to mention the audience was taken into the studio back door entrance which was a roller coaster ride, with confusing sets of stairs, plaster peeling off the walls, construction work going on, sawdust in the air. The guests however were taken via the main entrance. Talk about discrimination!the route which we took was kinda hazardous for the senior citizens in the audience.......
The show started and it didnt take me time to realise towards which side the scale was tipped. It was all about how men had dominated the political scenario for decades and how it was time to change. The show started with Shabana Azmis comments and ironically enough even ended with her comments. The entire one hour program just revolved around the opinions of the celebrities. The audience was told to ask only valid and interesting questions and not to create a ruckus by speaking out of turn. I did raise my hand a couple of times but i was constantly overshadowed by the shouts of other audience members to grab Barkha's attention. So i quitely crept back into my shell.
Anyone who spoke against reservations but for inclusion of women in the parliament(including myself) was glared at with an expression saying "OMG! How Dare You???". All the views expressed were just a reflection of a minority of the indian population. Even Barkha who supposedly was not supposed to take sides was heavily for reservations. Someone should give the woman an academy award for her fake smiles and irritating facial expressions which used to disappear after the camera was switched off. Any sort of valid point against reservations was met by booos and blank stares by the celebs.
The celebrities with their bloated up brains and even bigger egos (except Nejma Heptullah and Jug Suraiya) kept going on and on and on about how reservations were sooo necessary. i mean i fail to understand why ppl think about such humongous ideas such as reservations for women and fail to look at the grass root level problems. What about stopping female foeticide, giving women the basic respect they deserve, changing the attitude of us men; towards women!!! Not even once during the hour long show were the difficulties faced by a woman living in a backward family discussed!!! Jug Suraiya said that if we took this debate to a rural level the entire opinions, views and even the output of the discussion would change. And frankly that is the truth!!!
So the show ended and the AUTOGRAPH session began again!! I mean why cant people accept celebs for who they are and not treat them like demi-gods?? Ppl even went to the extent of taking out their 1.3 cmegapixel camera phones to take low resolution pics of themselves with the stars. Seriously these kinda ppl need to GET A LIFE!!!! This was one of the worst debates i had seen or been to. No wonder why we always fret about not getting "quality" television.
While we were exiting the complex Madame Azmi waved at me and my mom from her shiny red car and put up a very fake smile. I didnt wave back; i just gave her one of my irritating grins.
I never really liked the lady and after this show I hate her. Why you may ask; its coz she is extemely bossy and very dominating. She expects the entire world to bow down to her and salute her views. SICK.
During the telecast of the show i had expected the camera to at least capture a glimpse of my face. All that was shown was a very bad shot of my lips and not even my I guess that was my nano second of fame! Seriously I had to tell my dad to look at the extreme bottom right corner just to see a glimpse of my white t shirt...hehe
Ironically i am listening to the song "Lifestyles of the rich and famous" by Good Charlotte while ending this post.
Peace Out
Sorry for making this post extremely boring and long!!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
about a dog!!! part 1
guess what im a day older and wiser. I always wondered why we get wiser when we grow older and not smarter or wittier......Anyways1 this particular post is going to be about my first black lab. ZEUS who spent an unforgettable 10 days with me and my family. After which life snatched him away from us, and this I believe was the saddest day of my life. But im not going to dwell in the unlit path of grief, im going to talk about those "Ten days of bliss"........
Anyone who knows me understands my love for animals...especially dogs.Its been my childhood fantasy to own a dog. In fact this is kinda funny but my parents tell me that when they asked me whether i wanted a dog or a lil brother; i opted for the dog!!!That was 10 years ago and i still have the same feelings for dogs. I kinda have this uncanny belief that dogs are actually better than humans coz dogs dont judge us like we judge them, neither do they speak rotten about anyone or anything; theyre faithful, happy go lucky and damn intellegent. In fact dogs are the most social animals in the entire animal kingdom. oh sure theyre territorial, but who doesnt like to protect what belongs to them..........
enough of my philosophy; about ZEUS now......
3rd May 2007
The happiest day of my life. One fine evening Im coming back from tuition when i meet my mom and she tells me to go to my dads clinic. Once there i suddenly spot this black ball of fur wrapped around in a handkerchief. The first thing i thought was that someone had gotten a black ball or something. T om y disbelief i suddenly saw two beady black eyes gaze up at me with innocence oozing out of them, and a lil tail wagging itself to glory.......
We got the lil bugger when he was just a month old. Sincerely he was the most innocent bundle of happiness i had ever seen. He was like my elixir of life. I suddenly forgot all of my immature adolescent worries and spent entire days with him.........The kid just loved to play and be happy. THere was no sign of worry in his eyes, no lines of tension on his forehead; he was just the epitome of goodness...........
6th May 2007
Another normal day at school; irritating teachers, bogus discussions, topics you dont want to learn; the works. Well i came back home and opened the door and suddenly this deathly silence creot over me. Normally ZEUS would come happily and lick my feet, bark a little and wag his tail; but there was no ZEUS. My mom had this grim look on her face as she told me that ZEUS was not doing well. He had vomited out blood and his urine and motions were smelly and filled with blood. Panicked i rushed to him and cuddled him a lil. For the first minute or two the guy just looked at me with eyesthat were full of fear. it was as if life had been sucked away from him.....However in the evening he got a little better and at least started walking around a bit.
Anyways the doctor said that he had gotten a virus and would require IV and antibiotics to get well. There was a lil spark of hope when the doctor said that he was getting better. THis was on 9th May 2007.
ZEUS could not deal with the virus anymore and on 12th May 2007, 6:00 AM IST we lost him. I saw ZEUS taking his last breath. He died at my bed side.........................
I had never seen death. And now that i understood how painful and unfair death was, i realised why people like to live in the moment. The entire household was grim, my mum didnt want to go do her work, my dad didnt want to go to his clinic and i, well i wanted to lock myself up in the bathroom and weep my head off. I blamed myself for his death...........
ZEUS' death didnt actually make us realise how harsh reality was, it made us realise how important it was to live. It taught us the importance of having a soul, the one thing in life money cant buy; it taught us to walk on, to accept stuff for how they are.......It taught us that you never lose anything in actually get affected by every single moment in life..........everything rests somewhere, at some godforsaken location; remaining to be touched again by us..........LIFE IS FUCKING IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!
3rd May-12th May 2007
Rest in Peace, my friend.....Rest in Peace
Please dont give any emotional comments on this post. I dont need it. Most important of all dont feel pity for me coz i sure as hell wont like anyone to undergo the pain that i have felt.........
@g@memnon a.k.a. Abin Biswas
ummmm well here goes nothing......
Well first of all i dont think ill be very very regular with this blog, especially for the coming 2 months bcoz of my darned entrance examinations (i really dont understand why these exams were set up in the first place). About the title; well all you sci-fi buffs mustve read this in DOUGLAS ADAMS' Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy Trilogy Of Five (the guy was a senius) and somehow I feel that this statement has more depth to it than just the comical aspect. You see I personally believe in the statement coz its the easiest way to explain all the bullshit that takes place in our wonderful, but crappy lives. Sorry if it bothers any of you happy people out there......
My user name, well I really liked the antics of king agamemnon, especially during the trojan war(ive not read the ILLIAD, mind you; just wikied the name and read all about him) so i took it up.
Oh ya i actually got inspired to start my blog from a suggestion given by my fried Rahul Bhatnagar, who also has his own blog:- Carbon Cluster. Check it out, its really good.
Anyways im pretty bummed these days coz i screwed my vit paper, hmmm more like the paper screwed me.....
I dont know there are so many things i want to share, so many people i want to talk about, so many issues id like to discuss with people, but somehow im not getting the output i want.(word of advice:do not type philosophical and social questions on yahoo answers but dont shy away from asking stupid auestions about banana juise and crap like that)
I dont really like to talk about myself a lot but if you really wanna know, im one of those kids who still believes that theres still some sanity and goodness left in the world.I love to write but my articles are usually funny and are about day to day activities and experiences. 'nuff said.
Man my dog is driving me crazy right now coz he really wants to go and play outside. Hes a black labrador who answers to the name "DON". Ill tell you later why his name is a reminder of a bad bollywood flick whose remake was even worse, or why it seems that my canine pup is a part of the mafia........
Anyways hope you guys liked my first post which was apparently quite shitty and full of nonsense. Sorry for eating away 5 mins of your precious life.........
Over and out
@g@memnon a.k.a. Abin Biswas